
Providing Parents
 Legal Advocacy For Children’s Educational Rights


  1. AAC augmentative and alternative communication
  2. ADD attention deficit disorder
  3. ADHD attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
  4. APE adaptive physical education
  5. ABA applied behavior analysis
  6. ASD autism spectrum disorder
  7. AT assistive technology
  8. BSP behavior support plan
  9. CAPD central auditory processing disorder
  10. ED emotional disturbance
  11. ESY extended school year
  12. FAPE free appropriate public education
  13. HOH hard of hearing
  14. ID intellectual disability
  15. IDEA Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
  16. IEE independent educational evaluation
  17. IEP individualized education program
  18. ITP individual transition plan
  19. LAS language and speech
  20. LRE least restrictive environment
  21. NPS nonpublic school
  22. OHI other health impairment
  23. OI orthopedic impairment
  24. OT occupational therapy
  25. RSP/RST resource specialist program/ resource specialist teacher
  26. RTC residential treatment center
  27. SDC/SDP special day class/ special day program
  28. SLD specific learning disability
  29. SLI speech or language impairment
  30. SLP speech-language pathologist
  31. TBI traumatic brain injury
  32. VI visual impairment